Background and Challenges

Japan is one of the few countries in the world that has the capability to develop new drugs.

Japan has great potential for innovation with its excellent fundamental research, manufacturing and technological skills.

However, today these strengths are not fully utilized.

➢ Because developing and putting new drugs on the market involves substantial costs,

and the level of investments required is continuing to rise.

For pharmaceutical companies to remain competitive, it is imperative that they develop new drugs, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for a single company to invent new drug on its own.

To overcome this critical situation, it is important for the entire healthcare industry to work collaboratively with one another and with startup companies, implement DX measures, improve efficiency, and look beyond our borders to the broader global market.

Seminar's Value Proposition

Innovation for Healthcare, Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of “Growth Strategy for Healthcare”, an exclusive monthly seminar for executives in healthcare industry. 

The purpose of the seminar is to offer exclusive information and network, which will help executives in healthcare industry to broaden their perspective, and build robust strategy to grow and expand their business at a global scale.

➢Seminar will offer lectures by Medical Policy Bureau Director, ministers of various ministries including the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to provide latest information about government policies.  Chairman/CEO of pharmaceutical companies, Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Japan Medical Association, research institutions, and financial institutions will provide wide range of essential information that will be useful in developing global and management strategies.

➢Seminar will introduce numerous number of successful case examples covering theory and practices on  DX measures, healthcare startup companies, as well as best practices from other industries, and risk countermeasures pertaining to global expansion.

➢Some of the seminars will be in dialogue format with multiple experts to create unique and  sensational learning experience.

➢In order to answer the needs of each member, we conduct survey before each seminar, to incorporate solutions in the lectures, to offer meaningful and customized seminar.

➢Seminar will reference Harvard Business School Executive Advanced Management Program (AMP) to learn about leadership skills required in global competition.

Seminar Structure


Yasuo Otani

Kanagawa University of Human Services Chairman, Nihon Hoiku Kyoukai
Chairman, Japan Master of Health Literacy Test Association Chairman, etc.
Former Medical Policy Bureau Director, Deputy Director-General of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Special Advisor to the Cabinet, first Executive Director of AMED, University of Tokyo graduate

➢Advisory Board:

Chair: Osamu Nagayama

Chugai Pharmaceuticals Honorary Chairman, Japan Bioindustry Association
Board of Directors Representative and Chairman, Cabinet Innovation Promotion
Bio Strategy Expert Committee Chairman, Former Chairman of JPMA,
Sony Outside Director and Chairman of the Board, Keio University graduate

Senior Advisors:

Toshihiko Takeda

Boston Consulting Group Senior Advisor
Former Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Medical Policy Bureau Director
University of Tokyo graduate

Kenshi Kinoshita

Former Special Advisor to the Cabinet
Hitotsubashi University graduate

Koji Miura MD,MPH,PhD

Specially-appointed Professor of Clinical and Translational Research Center, Keio University, Professor at Fujita Health University, Tokyo Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Advisor, Former Director of Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Graduated from the Harvard School of Public Health, Keio University School of Medicine


Yuriko Fujii

CEO of Innovation for Healthcare, Inc., Medical researcher at Jikei Medical University and Juntendo Medical School, Former Researcher at the National Cancer Center Japan, Harvard Business School AMP, NYU, International Christian University graduate

Seminar Overview

➢ Frequency:

Once a month in the mornings,

12 times a year, New Year’s Party in January.
➢ Venue:

Hibiya, Imperial Hotel and Online (Zoom)

Seminar Schedule

➢ Commemorative Reception: April 7 (Fri) 19:00-21:00 @ The Imperial Hotel
  ◆ Greetings: Chairman Yasuo Otani
   Advisory Board Chair, Osamu Nagayama
   Senior Advisor Toshihiko Takeda, Koji Miura
  ◆ Commemorative Speech: Mr. Katsufumi Jo,
   The First Assistant Vice-Minister for
   Pharmaceutical Industry Promotion and Medical Information Management

Seminar01: April 5 (Wed) 8:00-9:30 Confirmed @ The Imperial Hotel
  ◆ Lecturer: Mr. Norikazu Eiki
   Former Chairman of Bayer Yakuhin visiting from US.
  ◆ Topic:
   "How Can Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry Gain Back its Glow?"

Sminar02: May 16th 10:00-12:00 @ The Imperial Hotel + Zoom
  ◆ Topic: “Secondary use of medical data under the Next-Generation Medical Infrastructure Act‘”
  ◆ Lecturer: Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshihara (MD, PhD)
    Prof. Emeritus of Kyoto Univ., and Miyazaki Univ.
    Life Data Initiative, Representative Director
    (Former Prof. at Harvard Univ. )

Seminar03: June 16th 8:00-10:00 @ The Imperial Hotel + Zoom
  –Part 1–
  ◆ Topic: ”Drug Discovery Venture”
  ◆ Lecturer: Mr. Hirokazu Shimoda
   Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry
   (Recently stationed at JETRO in Silicon Valley in US)
– Part 2 –
  ◆ Topic: “Innovative Healthcare Data Startup”
  ◆ Lecturer: Dr. Kengo Hara, CEO of MICIN / MD
   (MD from Tokyo Univ., Ex. Mckinsey & Company, MBA from Standford)

Seminar04: July 12th 8:00-10:00 @ The Imperial Hotel + Zoom
  ◆ Topic: “Secret of Success in Global Strategy”
  ◆ Lecturer: Mr. Kazuo Hirai
Former Chairman of Sony (From US)
  ◆ Lecturer: Mr. Osamu Nagayama, Honorary Chairman of Chugai Pharmaceutical

Sminar05: August 9th 8:00-10:00 @ The Imperial Hotel + Zoom
  ◆ Topic: “In-Depth Look at Essential DX Strategy, + DX in Healthcare”
  ◆ Lecturer: Mr. Keita Nishiyama
Prof at Tokyo Univ. Institute for Future Initiatives, Industry Adviser at KKR
   (Former Director-General of the Commerce and Information Policy Bureau
    at Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Graduate of Tokyo Univ, Oxford)
  ◆ Lecturer: Ms. Satoko Shirai, Executive Vice President of Chugai Pharmaceutical
   (Supervisor for Digital Transformation, Former IBM)

➢ Launch Party:
  April 7 (Fri) 19:00-21:00
   @ The Imperial Hotel

 ◆ Greetings:
  Chairman Yasuo Otani
  Advisory Board Chair,
      Osamu Nagayama
  Senior Advisor,
      Toshihiko Takeda
      Koji Miura

 ◆ Commemorative Speech:
      Mr. Katsufumi Jo
  The First Assistant Vice-Minister for
  Pharmaceutical Industry Promotion
  and Medical Information Management

➢ Seminar 01 :
 April 5 (Wed) 8:00-9:30@ The Imperial Hotel

 ◆ Topic:
  "How Can Japanese
  Pharmaceutical Industry
  Gain Back its Glow?"

 ◆ Lecturer: Mr. Norikazu Eiki
  Former Chairman of Bayer Yakuhin
  visiting from US.

Seminar02: May 16th 10:00-12:00
 @ The Imperial Hotel + Zoom

 ◆ Topic:
   “Secondary use of medical data
   under the Next-Generation
   Medical Infrastructure Act"
 ◆ Lecturer:
  Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshihara (MD, PhD)
  Prof. Emeritus of Kyoto Univ.
         and Miyazaki Univ.
  Life Data Initiative , Representative Director
   (Former Prof. at Harvard Univ. )

Seminar03: June 16th 8:00-10:00
  @ The Imperial Hotel + Zoom

 – Part 1 -
 ◆ Topic:
  ”Drug Discovery Venture”
 ◆ Lecturer: Mr. Hirokazu Shimoda
   Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry
  (Recently stationed at JETRO in
Silicon Valley in US)
 – Part 2 –
 ◆ Topic :
  “Innovative Healthcare Data Startup”
 ◆ Lecturer: Dr. Kengo Hara
  (MD from Tokyo Univ.,
   Ex. Mckinsey & Company,
  MBA from Standford)

Seminar 04: July 12th 8:00-10:00
 @ The Imperial Hotel + Zoom

 ◆ Topic:
  “Secret of Success in Global Strategy”

 ◆ Lecturer: Mr. Kazuo Hirai
  Former Chairman of Sony (From US)

 ◆ Lecturer: Mr. Osamu Nagayama
  Honorary Chairman of
  Chugai Pharmaceutical

Sminar05: August 9th 8:00-10:00
 @ The Imperial Hotel + Zoom

 ◆ Topic:
  “In-Depth Look at Essential
    DX Strategy, + DX in Healthcare”

 ◆ Lecturer: Mr. Keita Nishiyama
  Prof. at Tokyo Univ.
  Institute for Future Initiatives,
  Industry Adviser at KKR
  (Former Director-General of the
   Commerce and Information Policy
  Bureau at Japan’s Ministry of Economy,
  Trade and Industry (METI),
  Graduate of Tokyo Univ, Oxford)

 ◆ Lecturer: Ms. Satoko Shisai
  Executive Vice President
  of Chugai Pharmaceutical
  (Supervisor for Digital Transformation,
   Former IBM)

How to join

➢ For inquiries: Innovation for Healthcare, Inc.,
Tel: 03-3344-6405 / 090-2530-9883